How to be productive working from home

By Vicky Xian, MSc Occupational Psychology

Working from home can be seen as a luxury at first. At whatever time of day, when you wake up, you can be drafting emails or writing that assignment almost immediately. But after a few days, or even a few hours, the novelty wears off. Your flatmates play loud music, parents at home forget you still need to revise for 5 exams. You don’t feel like you’re in class or at work, so why work? Your friend wants to video call you and because you’re not in class or in the library, that should be fine right? This is when productivity becomes an issue. So, here are some tips I’ve learnt that keeps me at my desk, and therefore my productivity levels high. 


  • Create a routine – and stick to it. 


Yes, the bed is right there, beckoning you to come back and snuggle in the warm, duvet covers. However, it’s important you incorporate your class/work life into your home. Got a 9am on a Tuesday? Make sure you set the same alarm as if you were leaving the house. Instead, use that time you would be in class to do some work for that module. Waking up early anyway, will mean you will get the most out of your day. What I like to do is try to be at my desk for 9:30am everyday Monday – Friday, and 11:30am if I need to work weekends. 

This is where to-do lists become very handy, I write everything I need to do in that day on a sticky-note and place it on the cover of my diary. Breaking down longer assignments into daily, more manageable tasks, or even the little, mundane tasks like reading an email helps me visualise how much I can do in one working-day. Then, in a diary or on google calendar, delegate a time for each task.  I’ve learnt to be the most productive when I spend about 3 hours per assignment. Incorporate work tasks with house chores or well-being activities like making lunch or doing an at-home workout.

 I find this gives my day more variation, and it also means I’m moving around the house or flat, which gives my brain and body little breaks in the day. Here’s an example: 


  • Ensure you have a dedicated workspace! 


This has benefits to both your physical and mental well-being. Having a dedicated workspace puts you into the mind-set of class/ work environments. First thing I do in the morning, for instance, is make my bed. It’s the little things that can have major impacts on your productivity. If the bed is made, my mind becomes more at ease with a tidier room, and it encourages me to not slip back under the covers – genius! 

Also, I never work from my bed, as this can lead to a sneaky nap which will disrupt my entire day. Instead I have a ‘workstation’, where I have a place for all things work-related: my laptop, a desktop, all my books and pens. I never relax at my desk and I never work in bed, and this separation is important in having high quality periods of production.

In the mornings, I get ‘ready’. I get dressed in a comfortable, yet presentable outfit. Don’t dress in what you wore the night before, I’ve learnt that this will keep my mindset in rest-mode, and therefore my productivity will reduce. I even put on some make-up, while this isn’t for everyone, this helps me feel like I’m in class or the library as it mimics my external work-life. 

Finally, it’s so imperative that not only you ensure a work-like environment, but everyone else does too! Tell your flatmates, family members, or partners that you need the respect of appropriate work-life behaviour. Your mate wouldn’t come to your 10am Well-being at work lecture and ask for a chat, right? If there’s nothing that can be done, put your headphones on and turn some on relaxing music. I personally like to really mimic work-life by going on YouTube and playing an 8-hour café soundtrack to help me visualise studying in a coffee shop. 


  • Don’t push yourself.


Sometimes working from home is only because you couldn’t find a space in the library. Other times it’s because you just don’t feel like leaving the house for a couple of days, and sometimes it’s for reasons even deeper than that. No matter the reason, make sure you keep regular checks on your mental health. Working from home, especially for long periods of time, can really put a strain on an individual’s well-being – the term cabin fever comes to mind!

When I get into these ruts, I take a 5-10-minute break. I tell myself it’s ok if I can’t finish what I wanted to do today. It’s healthy for the mind and body to rest and not put too much strain for too long. This is especially significant when there’s a more serious reason for why I’m working at home. I also ensure that I give myself the evening to cool off, and most weekends. I’d like to think my brain has a chance to recharge – like a battery – no matter how much you fill a cup with water, at the end of the day, you still only end up with a one cup of water.

My Favourite Things about my Occupational Psychology Course

By Callum Van Dyk, MSc Occupational Psychology

I can guarantee you everyone finds it difficult to decide which postgraduate course is right for them! I was fortunate enough to know I wanted to study Occupational Psychology (OP), but I still found it incredibly difficult to decide where I should study. Therefore, to make things a little easier on you, I thought I’d share my top four favourite things about the OP course at Sheffield, showing you why it is a great place to study.

  • Vast Variety of Opportunities

Throughout my time at Sheffield, I’ve received countless messages from academic staff highlighting the diverse range of opportunities available within the management school. However, being an OP student, you have even greater access to opportunities specific to your course. To date, I’ve been involved in designing an assessment centre, stewarding an international conference, and working part-time for psychological consultancies on a variety of projects. The key message is that you can be as involved as you want and there is something for everyone.

  • Small, Multicultural Cohort of Students

Previous OP Cohorts have typically been made up of around 20 students from Britain, Europe, and Asia. Hence, when studying at Sheffield, you will be interacting with a close group of people varying in age and nationality. I have found this experience to be invaluable as not only have I made friends from multiple countries around the world, I have also gained an immense appreciation of different cultural perspectives that have been shared in classroom discussions. 

  • Guest Speakers

An appealing aspect of the OP course at Sheffield is its wide network of alumni and notable academics. Over the past two months, we’ve had multiple guest speakers visit us to discuss contemporary issues in OP, their career paths, and the work they perform daily. These sessions have been crucial in gaining insight into the life of an occupational psychologist and have helped me to frame my career path. After each session, the guest speakers have been more than willing to individually advise us and have always provided us with a means of contacting them later. It is this type of friendly, supportive and informal atmosphere that draws people into the field. 

  • Applied Nature of the Course

By far the best thing about the OP course at Sheffield is its applied nature. Most OP courses primarily focus on the academic side of OP, whereas our course has multiple elements designed to develop your ability to use research and knowledge to solve real world issues. Numerous assignments have focused on hypothetical scenarios where we have to design solutions and support them with evidence, mapping what would be expected of a psychological consultant. The support I’ve received helping me to complete these assignments has really taken away my fear of applied work and has built my confidence in my consulting ability. Overall, preparing me to enter the world of work!

Productivity: Capitalising on your motivation or lack of it!

By Callum Van Dyk, MSc Occupational Psychology

During my first semester at University, I came across an approach to productivity that has enabled me to exponentially increase the amount of work I can complete in a day. Finding this approach has been of great benefit to me, so here are a few of the techniques I use on a daily basis to stay productive.

Breaking Down Projects

A key process in productivity is knowing exactly what to do next. It’s easy to treat an assignment as if it’s just one big task, however thinking like this depletes your motivation. By doing this you picture an assignment as a huge task that cannot be completed in one go. Fortunately, a little change can make you massively more productive!

Breakdown your projects into as many mini tasks as possible.

An assignment is not a task, it is a project made up of multiple tasks. That’s why this technique is highly effective because you’ve taken a single ambiguous project, and broken it down into smaller, less ambiguous tasks. Through doing this you’ll begin to discover that assignments contain fewer tasks than first thought. Also, this approach reduces the total time taken to complete a project because you aren’t spending time trying to figure out what to do next. 

Organising Tasks

A large element of productivity is capitalising on demotivation. By this I mean it is important to schedule doing certain tasks at times when you’re more motivated and doing other tasks for when you’re less motivated. This takes a little while to get to grips with, but it is crucial in becoming more productive. 

Categorise the difficulty of your tasks and know your energy levels.

By knowing these two things, you can schedule completing difficult tasks to when you are feeling motivated and have a lot of energy to tackle them. For example, I know that I am most productive between 11am and 3pm. Therefore, I attempt my most difficult tasks during that period (e.g. assignments) and complete any other tasks (e.g. correspondence) outside that period. 

Reviewing Tasks

I have about 10 reminders a day on my phone. This may seem like a lot but compared to how many other notifications I get, it is nothing. The reason that I have multiple reminders is because I am forgetful! I cannot remember everything I need to do and why I need to do those things. This is why I suggest…

Do a weekly review of your tasks and a daily review of your reminders. 

Every Monday I schedule my whole week by creating reminders for each day. These reminders are based on the tasks I need to complete. Every morning I review these reminders and ensure I complete them all by the end of the day. It does take a bit of practice to know the difficulty of your tasks and how many you can complete in a day, but I’ve found it to be well worthwhile. 

By following these few tips, you can find and capitalise on your motivation. If you want to go even further, I suggest you read the book Getting Things Done by David Allen (this is where I developed my approach).

My favourite places in Sheffield

By Vicky Xian, MSc Occupational Psychology

Sheffield is full of amazing places, from lush green parks to hidden little gems down every crevice. Here are some of my favourite places in Sheffield for anyone who has some spare time, wants some inspiration or would like to get to know the city on a more personal level. 

Crookes Valley Park 

This park is a stone’s throw away from most students’ front door. I walk past it most days, and I’m constantly awed by the colours, which changes depending on the season. My favourite season is summer, the vibrant colours of the sky, fields, and cherry blossoms are the perfect backdrop for a barbecue! This lovely photo and more like it can be found on the Instagram account: cmm__photo.

Made by Jonty Café 

This little café is found on Sharrowvale road, and was discovered one rough morning after a night out. This serves the best English fry up in town (in my opinion). What’s even more amazing is the breakfast is served all day, so even when dragging yourself out of bed well after noon you can still get your well-deserved fry up!

Botanical Gardens

These 19 acre gardens contain 18 different garden areas, including a beautiful large botanical greenhouse. This is free entry on most days, and in the summer it’s a great place to meet up with friends, and chill with food and music. Here’s a picture of the fountain and behind it the greenhouse: 

Steamyard Café. 

Although very popular, this café is still a gem in my eyes. The café is tucked in a little courtyard on Division Street. The coffee is excellent, but the atmosphere is even better. The coffee shop has an outdoor seating area and is great when there is good weather, but my personal favourite time is when it’s pouring it down with rain outside. Also, they provide a lot of options for vegans or vegetarians, which is great. There is one thing to consider though, it can get very very busy, but I’m not surprised as other people must agree with me! 

The Peaks

Do you have a day aside and a car? The peaks is a short drive away, and the drive itself can be jaw dropping. The green rolling hills can really take you away from city life, and maybe even distract you with its never ending grass peaks. Take a group of friends, some food and snacks, a flask of Yorkshire tea, and you can spend a good part of the afternoon hiking up the hills. In the summer the surroundings can drown you in stunning green. However, my personal best time is in the autumn, covered in vibrant purple ferns and with a setting sun it can really feel like a different world. The picture below includes a gorgeous view of Bamford Edge.

Why I chose a masters in Occupational Psychology

By Vicky Xian, MSc Occupational Psychology

I am currently studying a master’s in Occupational Psychology. I also have completed an undergraduate degree in Psychology. I can understand that choosing a degree can be challenging and at times overwhelming. So, in this blog post, I would like to share with you my experience of how I ended up choosing this course and the Management School. 

Like most students, I was unsure what my next steps were after university. I didn’t feel like I was ready to take that big leap into working a 9-5 Monday to Friday. So, I took a step back and assessed my situation, through both logic and emotion. Firstly, ‘did I enjoy what I was learning?’ I knew I did, I have always been fascinated by psychology before I started my undergraduate degree. 

Secondly, I asked myself, ‘was what I was learning going to realistically lead to a career that I wanted?’  With a straight psychology degree, my options were fairly open. But I was confused by the amount of options, and the obvious paths were such things like social work or clinical psychology. I knew that these realistic career choices were not what I wanted, I wouldn’t be happy. 

Thirdly, I then asked myself, ‘am I ready to go into work?’  I knew I wanted to learn more, and become more specialised in a field. This could be a conversion course, or a more specialised psychology course and this would also increase my employability. However, I felt that I needed another year in education to really give myself that step up into the right path. 

So, I concluded that I would look into the available masters’ courses that the university offered. You can search for postgraduate courses yourself ‘here’: 

As I did my undergraduate degree here, there was an alumni discount to consider and I also was confident in the quality and student environment. I therefore did extensive research into possible careers with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I found that Occupational Psychology (OP) ticked all my boxes: it was relevant to what I had already learnt, I enjoyed the type of work a typical OP would do, and most importantly I would be happy studying and working in this field. In order to become an OP, I would therefore have to complete a master’s course in order to gain the right credentials. 

Additionally, I also did research into the specific course the University of Sheffield had to offer. The Management School is well respected, with a Triple Crown accreditation. This gave me reassurance, which is important when choosing where to study as a postgraduate degree isn’t exactly cheap!


Keeping a good work/life balance

By Vicky Xian, MSc Occupational Psychology

You may think that a masters course means long hours in the library, lack of sleep, and no social life. You may think ‘there’s no chance I’ll be able to work part-time on top of all that!’ But with the costs of a masters degree and no maintenance loan, it becomes an even harder decision.

Yes, a masters requires a lot more time and energy compared to an undergraduate degree. But, it doesn’t almost mean you have to compromise having a life outside of study! There is a lot of financial support for masters students, which you can find here.

But, what if you do get a part time job? And what about scheduling time to see your friends? Well, I’ve managed to keep all these balanced. Here’s what I’ve learnt and some suggestions:

  1. Limit your working hours

If you do have a part time job, with a masters, keep hours on or below 10 hours a week. What I’ve found so great is that the Students’ Union offer a wide range of different job roles, which are specifically catered for students. This means the hours are not contracted, and if you have a particularly stressful week, you don’t have to work! Earning money is important, but remember studies should come first.

  1. Keep a diary

Keeping a diary, where you write all your important deadlines, social interactions, and shifts in the coming week is very important. It helps you visualise what you’ve got on, and gives you a chance to plan your free time. Here’s an example of my normal weekly spread:

  1. Schedule in some down-time

Since being at university, I’ve found delegating alone time in the week really important for my mental health. Having so much on can really put a strain on someone’s happiness. This doesn’t have to be so serious, half an hour after dinner watching your favourite YouTuber can have a massive positive impact on stress. It’s important that you choose to do whatever works for you, whether it’s baking, watching a film or listening to some music!

  1. Socialise on a budget

Guilt can really creep in when I want to see some friends, as it takes time away from studies, and usually I spend more money than I mean to. I’ve come to realise that you can have fun, but not spend too much. Cooking a home meal with a group of friends can be very cheap, and it’s enjoyable! Bar One, located in the Students’ Union, is one of the cheapest bars in Sheffield. Sometimes their burgers are 2-for-1, which makes it even cheaper.

  1. Get extra support when you need it

There has been times where I’ve felt like it’s all too much, and I get really frustrated with how much I have on. If you’re really struggling, and you have similar feelings, please don’t keep it in. The university offers a wide range of mental health support and information for students:

The best things about MSc Occupational Psychology at Sheffield

By Emily Addison, MSc Occupational Psychology

Choosing a masters subject can be difficult, and it always helps to hear from current students on what their experiences have been. So, for today’s blog I am not only writing about what I think are the best things about this course, but I have also asked my classmates what they think, too.

I found it hard to choose my favourite thing about the course, so instead here’s my top 3:

  1. The class size

The first thing I love about this course compared to my undergraduate course is the smaller class size. This year there are only 27 people on the course, which means you get to know everyone. We’ve become like a little family – quite dissimilar to my undergraduate cohort where there were 200+ students! This makes group work so much easier and everyone is willing to help each other when needed, which is very helpful when deadlines are approaching!

  1. Building a relationship with the staff

The length and structure of lectures means that you get to know the lecturers better, and they get to know you too. You can tell the staff are experts in what they are teaching and are enthusiastic about their modules, which means they are more than happy to meet you if you need help or want to discuss anything further.

  1. The content

Finally, for me, the content of the course is one of my favourite things. As the course is BPS accredited, we cover all of the topics required by the BPS, which means that we get such a deep insight into Occupational Psychology and its relevance in today’s workplace. I genuinely find the lectures and readings interesting, which makes doing work so much easier and enjoyable! If you want to know more about what modules are included on the course, you can see them on the Management School’s website.

If these three things aren’t already convincing you to study Occupational Psychology at Sheffield, here is what some of my classmates said when I asked them what their favourite things about the course were …

“Timely and informative feedback is one of my favourite things about the course!”

“I love the fact that lectures are interactive.”

“I enjoy the amount of group work we get to do, it makes learning the theories and content more effective.”

“We usually get two days a week without any lectures timetabled which means we can complete our work to a high standard.”

“There are people from all around the world and from different backgrounds which means you get to learn and understand different perspectives of Occupational Psychology, and make loads of new friends!”

“It is BPS accredited so I can get Chartership if I want to later in my career.”

“The lecturers make sure we understand the knowledge practically as well as theoretically, which will help when we start work.”

“There is such a broad range of modules which gives us a great insight into the different areas of Occupational Psychology”

“There is a good mix of exams and coursework.”

I would recommend this course to anyone with an interest around occupational psychology, and am so glad I chose to study here. I hope you love it too!

Volunteering at Sheffield

By Emily Addison, MSc Occupational Psychology

The University has over 25 volunteering/fundraising societies as well as a host of volunteering opportunities available if you visit the Activities Zone in the Students’ Union.

I wanted to get involved in volunteering so that I could enhance my CV, and I can honestly say I have done so much more than that. Volunteering helps give back to the community of Sheffield as well as helping you develop new skills, make new friends and most importantly have an impact on those around you.

There are so many students at this University, the potential impact we could have on the communities around us is endless. The great thing about volunteering at Sheffield is that it can be as formal or informal as you’d like. For example, if you go through the Activities Zone and sign up to volunteer in a primary school every week, you must be committed and cannot let them down. Equally, there are a number or opportunities where even a one-off helping hand is enough.

I joined The CoppaFeel Society’s University Boob Team (UBT) in my second year at Sheffield as a volunteer. This meant that I helped at fundraising events when I could and there was no pressure to attend meetings nor help at every event. The aim of the UBT is to spread the messages of CoppaFeel on campus. To do this, the committee members and volunteers put on a wealth of fundraising events to raise money and increase awareness of CoppaFeel, so that people understand what they do and their key messages.

Joining as a volunteer meant that I could see the positive impact we were having on campus and I wanted to help even more. So, the following year I ran to be on the committee, which meant I was involved in everything that the UBT did that year; from the organisation to the running of the events, with the rest of the committee. I made so many new friends and we had so much fun while doing something for a great cause, which is why I would recommend getting involved in volunteering to everyone!

To find out more about the volunteering opportunities at Sheffield visit:

Christmas in Sheffield

By Emily Addison, MSc Occupational Psychology

If you’re like me and love the festive season, being away from home and your family around Christmas can be daunting… but Sheffield has got your back!

Every year the Christmas markets come to town, where Fargate, The Peace Gardens and Town Hall Square are filled with over 50 ‘Christmas Cabins’ selling gifts and seasonal food and drink. There is the famous Santa’s Grotto, while The Sleigh Bar and Thor’s Tipi are always a hit with the students! There are also various rides to get the adrenalin pumping and allowing you to see Sheffield from the sky. The markets are usually in town from the middle of November, so there is plenty of time to drag your friends down there and feel the magic of Christmas!

The Christmas Light Switch On sees the residents of Sheffield gather together to watch the town fill with light and Christmas décor.  The big reveal of the Christmas tree outside the Town Hall is also one not to miss! This event is hosted by Heart Radio and usually starts early afternoon. A special guest is invited to turn the lights on, as well as live music from local talent throughout the afternoon/evening.

The local theatres also help to get you in the festive spirit, with their seasonal shows and performances. This year the Lyceum Theatre presents one of the best pantomimes in the country, Peter Pan! Not to mention the carol concerts in Sheffield Cathedral, where there is mulled wine and mince pies for everyone!

But most importantly, Christmas in Sheffield means you get to make new traditions; decorate your house with your friends, attend a ridiculous amount of society and group Christmas meals, dress up as an elf (or whatever awful Christmas themed costume you are given!) for Uni Christmas Day, and celebrate Christmas before it has even started!

Christmas in Sheffield may not be what you’re used to, but it is definitely something special.

Sport at Sheffield

By Emily Addison, MSc Occupational Psychology

At The University of Sheffield there are 58 sports clubs, so there is definitely something for everyone. Whether you are a sports newbie or an experienced player, there is a team out there waiting for you to join!

When I started my undergraduate degree at Sheffield I really wanted to join a sports team, but I didn’t know what sport to choose. Being someone who isn’t naturally sporty nor played competitively (other than in PE!!), I was apprehensive about my lack of ability and knowledge to just start a new sport. But I had no reason to be!

After three years, I finally plucked up the courage to join The University of Sheffield Women’s Basketball Club and I am now the captain of their 3rd team! Like many of the sports clubs here, there are various teams who play and compete in different levels. The women’s basketball 1st and 2nd teams are members of the BUCS League, while the 3rd team is a development team who have fewer matches and play friendlies against local teams and universities.

Me with my team!

The fact that there are so many teams for each sport means that no matter what your ability, you can join in and learn new skills. It also means that you can choose a new hobby that is as time consuming or exhausting as you’d like!

I have never looked back, if anything I regret not joining a club sooner! Here are some reasons you should get involved with Sport at Sheffield…

  1. You make new friends

Since joining a sports team, I have made so many new friends. You get to meet people who are not on your course, or even your department; but they may just be your new best pals! I know so many people who now live with their team mates, and that just shows the quality of the friendships you can make by joining in.

  1. It keeps you fit and healthy

Obviously keeping active can help your body stay fit and healthy but this can also help your academic performance! If you are in a good state of mind, and feel good about yourself, those essays won’t be as stressful!

  1. The social side

Being part of a sports team doesn’t end at training, there are social events that you can attend pretty much every week. Social events can include team nights out, film nights, awards evenings… anything you all want to do!

  1. Varsity!!    

Being in a club means you get to be involved in the famous Varsity events against our city rivals Hallam University. Varsity is such an exciting part of the Uni year, where everyone supports our athletes and you see people wearing black and gold wherever you look. Sheffield have won Varsity for six consecutive years now, which just shows you how good we are!

  1. Links to other clubs across the city

If you are a keen sports person, the University has strong links with external teams if playing in Black and Gold is not enough!

So… with 58 sports clubs to choose from, what are you waiting for? Whether you play netball or football, or want to try something completely different like ultimate frisbee or windsurfing, there is a club for you! And I guarantee you wont regret it!

If you are interested in joining a sports club, you can get information on all the sports available at Sheffield at the Sports Fair which happens at the beginning of first semester. If you are eager to find out more, take a look at the ‘Club Sport’ website before you arrive!