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August 2018 – Undergraduate Blog

A guide to internship applications

By James Dylag, BA Business Management

Applying to internships is a really daunting thing to be doing. Whilst most companies make the process as painless as possible, it is still really nerve wracking, so this blog post is here to help guide you through any applications you might be thinking of submitting.

One of the first things to do is to make sure you have an up-to-date CV. Pretty much all applications will ask for a CV, or will at least ask you questions where answers can be found on your CV (e.g. work history, education history). The University offers lots of help in CV writing, whether this be through the Futures First module that all Management School students take, or 301 Study Skills services.

Now that your CV is up-to-date, you must ensure that it is original and will help you to stand out. The best way to do this is through having experience on your CV such as volunteering, part-time work and extracurricular activities. Another important thing is to make sure your CV is formatted in an effective way. Try and avoid using templates, as while it seems like the easiest option, it will result in a CV similar to lots of other peoples.

Applications do take a while to fill in and submit, however you should try and apply to as many internships as you can. If you know what sort of career path you want to take, then apply to as many companies within this sector as possible. Internships are competitive, and this will help to maximise your chances of getting one.

Due to the large number of applications received per internship, it is absolutely essential that you follow the instructions given. This may sound mandatory, but if you miss a little bit of information on the application process it could mean that the company discard your application completely. Just be sure to double check the instructions and ensure you’ve followed them.

Probably the most dreaded part of the process… the tests. I’m not saying allapplications require you to complete any tests, but from my own experience lots of them do. Most of the time, these tests are what you’d expect, so you shouldn’t panic too much. You’ll usually be given a practise question or two, so you can get a feel for what you might get asked – there are also lots of websites who offer their own practise tests. Whilst these might not be exactly the same as the companies own tests, they’re a good way to get some experience answering this style of question.

The final thing to remember is that rejections are likely to happen, but you can’t let this get you down. Just because you’ve been turned down by one place, doesn’t mean you will be turned down by everyone. Keep applying, and eventually you’ll get exactly the internship that you’re after.

Good luck!

My Sheffield graduation

By Rebecca Hubbard, BA Business Management with Employment Experience

After four years at University it was finally my turn to get up on stage, receive my degree and say my last goodbye to Sheffield. My whole day was a whirlwind of emotions, and I woke up with a strong feeling of anticipation. You see your lovely friends who you’ve perhaps not seen since you stepped out that final exam hall. You try to navigate your parents so they don’t encounter said friends, as both your mum and dad are both beaming and embarrassingly proud. Everyone is buzzing with nerves and excitement. The chancellor shakes your hand and it’s all done – you’re now graduated from university!

I left Sheffield with a sense of sadness but also joy as it made me who I am now. Yes, through academic and professional development, which gave me a great desire to learn more, but also through great times with great people at the amazing independent cafes, the beautiful surrounding Peak District and, of course, the infamous West Street bars.

In terms of university, my four years at the Management School was full of opportunities to get involved in. I attended many employer talks in the quest to find out what it was that I wanted to do and then was supported through my year in industry at Marks & Spencer. In my third year I worked for the Management School as an Employability Assistant as well as becoming a Student Ambassador representing the University. As long as I was willing to give a little time and effort there were always opportunities for me to better myself and future career prospects.

And in terms of Sheffield; I couldn’t have chosen a better city to be a student in. I’m going to miss Arctic Monkeys playing at the end of every night out, the cheap beer and maybe even the gigantic hills. But not to worry, I’ll be coming back to pretend I’m a student again soon enough!