Making your money go further

tommy-fletcherI’m Tommy, a third year Accounting and Finance student and, at risk of sounding like- well… an accountant- it’s time to talk about money!

Starting university is an exciting time, and whilst it’s easy to fritter away your student loan on nights out, Meadowhall shopping sprees, or those fairy lights that make your room look like Blackpool Illuminations, you don’t want find your card being rejected whilst doing the weekly shop. So, here’s just a few tips for saving whilst still having fun!

Student Discount:

It perhaps goes without saying, but student discount is a huge help when you’re trying to look after your bank balance. Not only can you save in various clothes shops and supermarkets, but a number of restaurants, pubs and bars offer deals for students too. Furthermore, some societies have link-ups with local businesses, meaning discounts on drinks or food in certain places with your societies cards. You can also get buses around the city for just £1 too, so don’t be forgetting your student card!

Nights Out:

150113-1Going out with your friends is what makes your uni experience great and gives you memories you’ll never forget, but if you’re not careful it can also break the bank! One of the biggest tips I can give is to budget. Take £15-20 out before you go out, and know that when it’s gone, it’s gone. Make sure you know where you’re going to, as some nights have themes and cheaper/free entry if you get involved.


Whilst it’s no doubt easier just to go to the shop on the corner of your road, is it cheaper? I found that when I spent an afternoon walking through the city centre to Aldi and the Moor Market and doing my weekly shop there, I reducedwould save considerably compared to weeks where I shopped locally. So, don’t be lazy! Also, if you find yourself waking back from the library late on, why not drop into the shops on the way for those delightful yellow ‘reduced’ stickers. I mean, who doesn’t love 9p donuts?!


Textbooks are an essential part of uni, but they don’t come cheap, with some even costing around £60! However, if you’re on the ball you don’t have to pay that. There’s a number of charity shops stocking text books and ManSoc puts on book sales too, where you can buy second hand from students in the years above you. Failing that, the library stocks all necessary readings and some are even available free online!


Budgeting is key! Use an app or Excel spreadsheet to plan how much you need for food shopping, rent, bills, books etc., and then anything else is yours to have fun with! Yes, it sounds boring and yes, some of your flatmates may laugh at you for it, but believe me, it’ll be you laughing when you’re away on your summer holidays!