Accommodation at Sheffield

By Will Szabo, BA Business Management

In this blog post I will be telling you about the different accommodation you will have in your time as a student, offering first hand advice and tips.

In first year, most students stay in halls of residence, which we call ‘halls’. You can choose whether this is a catered flat, where you pay extra to get your meals provided in a food hall, or self-catered, where you are provided with a kitchen and left to cook for yourself. Then you choose between a single or double bed and en suite or shared bathroom. Sheffield’s accommodation has come in the top 5 in the UK in the Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey from 2012-2018, so you’re in safe hands whatever you choose – you just need to consider what will suit you best.

Student Halls

There are 3 different 1st year accommodation villages;

  • Endcliffe
  • Ranmoor
  • City

I stayed in Endcliffe village in the Curbar building. In Endcliffe and Ranmoor, all the buildings are named after famous places in Sheffield like Curbar, Derwent and Howden. Endcliffe and Ranmoor provide a family and ‘village’ experience, where you are surrounded by thousands of other students all in the same boat as you, starting university and looking to meet people. In freshers week you meet hundreds of different people including all the other flats in your building.

The Edge Bar

On both sites, you have access to the social hub The Edge located in Endcliffe. The Edge is a student bar selling food and drink with plenty of sofas and tv’s that show sports fixtures and big events! It’s a great place to meet people and an even better place to sit back and relax. It is also in the same building where catered students will eat.

Your room

The majority of rooms are single bed with en suite however you can opt for a double bed for more money or a shared bathroom for cheaper.

The first year accommodation is nice, but to make it feel like a home you have to make it your own – I recommend lights, pictures, posters – thingsthat make it special to you. In my room I put a clothing rail, a tv and a pull up bar in there. This is what the standard room will look like, with an en suite bathroom to the left.

As long as there is space, you can stay in student accommodation for your second year, however a lot of students choose to find a house with their friends.

Private housing

When I chose who to live with in second year, I ended up living with lads from the flat below me, who I met in freshers week and instantly clicked with. This was quite an easy choice as we all got on very well and were all on different courses, with all different day to day plans meaning no one would ever get sick of another.

Finding a house

In terms of actually looking for the house, there are so many student property shops that do everything for you. In Broomhill, the closest town to Endcliffe, there are over 8 different property shops!

When choosing where to live, you will be able to ask advice from older years, but the main places are Broomhill and Crookesmoor, with others choosing more Hallam mixed areas like Broomhall and Ecclesall Road. All areas are very good and highly dominated by students. Many focus their choice on where their course building is and the distance from the house.

Following years

You will have so much choice of who to live with, whether it’s your course mates, people you lived with in first year, or mates from sports/societies. After second year, many of your friends will take years out studying abroad or on placement, and you could even choose to do that yourself. You may also want to change your house, or the area that you’re living in. This all means that you’ll be changing your house for your last year, which many people I know are planning to do. Luckily, I love where I live and am planning to stay in my current house in my third year, but we have had to find three other people to live with us, due to three of my current housemates going to do placement years.

I hope that this has given you some insight into accommodation at Sheffield! If you want to see the accommodation in person, you can go on accommodation tours at any of our open days.