Studying at Sheffield University Management School

Saad KhawajaBy Saad Khawaja

Having the opportunity to study at Sheffield University Management School has been a really proud moment for me. Being a leading business school, it gives students the skills set and opportunities to enhances their employability prospects and enables them to make a positive impact on the local and international community.
The programmes offered by the University are internationally recognised coupled with excellent quality of teaching, research output and student support that availed the University in achieving Triple crown accreditation by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. This accreditation helped place the University in the top one percent of business schools worldwide, making it stand out against other universities worldwide.

The Management School provides excellent opportunity to enhance your _MG_8540employability skills. The Employability Hub is specifically built to provide students with a variety of skills sessions and opportunities such as placement years, year abroad and many more, which brings them into the lime light in front of the employers. The Management School hosts many careers events as well, inviting numerous companies in to speak with students.

The schools astounding teaching quality attracts students from all over the world. Lectures and tutorials help give a combination of real world experience and academic expertise which are academically stimulating. The teaching methods are quite intellectual and demanding, as they are applied to real world case studies, giving students insight about practical situations. The modules are quite interesting and challenging, which is exactly what I was looking for.

MS109Being a newly built building, the advanced facilities are also admirable. Since I got here, the facilities have been improving constantly, and the school is even being extended to house a bigger and  more central Employability Hub.

Being an international student, I have received constant support and help at every stage from the Management School. When I came across Sheffield University Management School during my A-levels studies I knew it was the university for me, and I’ve had no doubts since.