Why you shouldn’t be worried coming to Sheffield as an overseas student

By May Than Thar Cho, BA Accounting and Financial Management

Coming to university and starting afresh can be extremely daunting, especially when you are half a world away from home. Most times, your mind will wander and you’ll eventually start worrying about things. Here’s a list of some of the things that I worried about before I began, how I overcame them and why they should be the least of your concerns!

Making friends

The question on everyone’s minds. Will I like the people I meet? Will they like me? Will I make new friends? I kid you not – you’ll be making new friends before you even realise it. There are so many people coming in from all over the UK and all over the world. You’re in a position where you know nobody and nothing about the city. But everyone is in the same position too! Even if initiating conversations with people is out of your comfort zone, don’t hide away when someone approaches you (someone definitely will!) and you’ll find making new friends is as easy as ABC.

The university also runs an Orientation Week before term starts and I personally think it’s an amazing way to get settled in and meet new people (I’m still very good friends with so many people I met over Orientation Week). You can follow this link to find out more!

Being homesick

I’ll be honest, it’s easy to fall into homesickness. While calling your family and friends from home offers you comfort, you should also try finding other ways to help ease it. What I have found helpful is surrounding myself with new people. Spend a lot of time with your new friends, join societies and participate in the different activities arranged by the university. Soon, you’ll really start appreciating a new part of your life here and you’ll feel at home in no time!


When you are not from an English-speaking country, you may find it hard to fully express yourself or perhaps, you may even be feeling shy to talk to people. But don’t use this as an excuse to not speak English. Don’t be afraid to try! If anything, people will help you if you struggle and this way, it makes it a lot easier for you to pick up the language. ELTC at the university also offers English Language Support for users of all proficiencies you can follow this link to check it out!

Missing food

It’s very common to start missing your traditional food but worry not, Sheffield has a huge selection of international cuisines: from all types of Asian, European and Middle Eastern, so you’re bound to find something that satisfies your taste buds! Our Shop in the Students’ Union also has a wide selection of international products and there is also a load of supermarkets selling international products around the city so you can always try cooking your traditional meal by yourself!

Fitting in

You’re being thrown into a country with a completely different culture. It’s not surprising you are wondering how you would fit in the picture. But don’t let this hold you back from trying to socialise with people from different backgrounds. Instead, take this as an opportunity to explore cultures you otherwise would not have experienced. Just be yourself, share your culture, and learn theirs! Despite the cultural differences, another thing I have found is sharing similar hobbies or interests makes conversations more effortless and helps you blend in quicker!